Pop Daddy's Halloween Countdown Day 26

Day 26(Originally Posted September 26th, 2020): I hope you guys like the food reviews, because after a trip to Target, there's gonna be a few of them. Just like these: caramel apple jacks. 

                          Tim gave the box 4 paws. 

So, I picked this up and I'm assuming this is a fall flavor, even though there is nothing on the front or back of the box to signify that

(I at first thought it was a fall fair, but it's a CARMival) 

The box is sort or orangish, so maybe that counts. So, you open the box and bag and that smell hits you and I'll say good job Kellogg's! They got the smell down. But, how do they taste? 

They added a nice caramel flavor to the regular apple jacks and it's good. After they settle into the milk, the flavor doesn't hit at hard anymore, but for the first few bites, they're good. Grab them if you looking to get cereal and the flavor sounds good to you. Otherwise, don't go out of your way looking for them.

Stay Spooky!


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