Taki Mini Snack Bites Review

In our area, we have a few discount food stores, when stores order too many of a product that doesn't sell, that's where they show up. Pop Momma and I frequent one, where you can get fresh sliced Amish meats or cans of soda for $.24 each because the box was destroyed. But on one of Pop Momma's last trips she came across these. 

Takis Fuego Mini Snack Bites. That's right, according to the package they're "Hot chili pepper and lime snack bites with an (imitation) mozzarella filling" boy, doesn't that last part get you all excited for the imitation cheese goodness? So, I figured that we'd give them a shot. 

Ok, so, strike 1, the packaging says that there is 60 bites inside, I counted about 55 plus parts, so, they've got that against them, but, I was still going to hear them anyway. So, set the oven to 375° and awaited my taste test that was 11-15 mins away. 

I pulled them out at 12, because there was too much cheese loss. So, I picked one up and the cheese wasn't stringy, which set off all kind of alarm bells for me. Also, the cheese was PURE white. But, I was doing this for you guys, so, I took a bite. 

The seasoning hits you right away, if you like Takis, you'll like that, but as you chew...and chew...and chew, you get another taste. The texture of these is like a firm ravioli. I should add that these are made by Tostino's who also makes Pizza Rolls, so I was expecting THAT texture, not this one. After the seasoning flavor wears off, taking a bite of these tastes like microwave dinner Mac and cheese. Where the cheese is a bit watery, and the pasta is a bit too chewy. I thought they were ok, Pop Momma really enjoyed them. So, safe to say, for her they will be a re-buy, for me, I'll probably eat them again, but it wouldn't bother me if I never had another. 


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